Sound Projects
I am currently involved as an associate sound archivist on the Sounding Out project at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, digitising 78rpm records containing music from around the world.
Sounding Out: Reconnecting sound recordings with communities will reconnect some of the Pitt Rivers Museum's historic sound recordings from different parts of the world with the communities among whom they were initially recorded or collected in order to help us better understand them, as well as share them with others.Working directly with source communities in such places as South Sudan, Nepal, Macedonia, Papua New Guinea, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Vanuatu and Colombia, the first phase of the Sounding Out project (2022-2023) will reach out and connect with a number of these communities, sharing high quality audio copies for community use, recording responses and discussing possible futures for them.
Visualisation of Louis Sarno audio track from Central African Republic with photograph of Aka woman in background, by composer in residence Nathaniel Mann 2012-13